Here is where you can find links to things I think are interesting or useful, webrings I am a part of, or anything else!
System Homepage
...None yet, I need to get brave and join some ^^;
Art resources
we've encountered a lot of different useful art resources over the years, and I figured I could put the ones I remember here! :>
A 3D reference tool for animal facesThis is a wonderful tool, that allows you to face a 3d model any direction, and then display reference photos of animals in that position!
The Creative SpaceA really great youtube channel for art tutorials, I absolutely recommend watching through one of their full process videos and following along, it has clicked so well with us!
Free photo reference megapack18 gigabytes of great, free to use photo reference for environments! This has continuously helpful for us in finding references for our pieces!
I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts while drawing or working on things! These are some of the ones I'd recommend ^v^
"Revolutions"This is a very detailed history podcast, which works its way chronologically through the tales of 10 different revolutions, mostly covering the politics surrounding the 19th century in Europe and its imperial possessions. It starts at the English Revolution and continues up through the Russian revolution, though I would recommend starting at the french revolution series, as that is when the scope of the show changed drastically, and I think the first two series give the wrong impression of the rest of the show (this seems to also be the take of the presenter).
It is also an interesting experience, to go through with the presenter, as they gradually go from being very much a liberal politically, to somewhere more radical, as the show goes on, and more history is covered.
"Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff"
This is a podcast where, each week, the host covers, in (usually) two parts, a specific historical radical movement of some sort! It's a really lovely way to get a broad view of different movements, and how they all weave together with one another. Its usually a great way to help a really cynical critter like myself feel like there's real actions that can be taken in response to that cynicism, and not fall into doomerism.
"Queer as Fact"
This is a podcast covering a wide range of different things from queer history. sometimes these are about specific figures, sometimes queerness in specific times or cultures. I haven't listened to it as much as I'd like to, but I've really enjoyed it when I have!
"Working class History"
This is a podcast which covers, well, exactly what it says! It covers a lot of great subjects I never would have known about without it. I used to listen to it a lot more, and have been meaning to get back into it!
Other things from around the web
"Wild lives, full stories"This is a playlist of videos, by a person who makes videos of the lives of different creatures! These videos follow the lives of specific birds, from meeting, nesting, egg hatching, and chicks flying into their own lives. it is one of my favorite things to watch when dysphoric or feeling down. I've been very slowly watching through them as there aren't that many, but I've already seen all the barn owl ones :>
Search enginesA blog post, detailing many different search engines beyond just google, bing, and bing skins!
"A People's History of the United States"
This is a website which contains, among other things, the text of "A people's history of the united states" by Howard Zinn. If you are unfamiliar with this book, and don't know where to get started on learning radical history in the United States, I cannot recommend this enough. When we were coming up on the internet, we were often recommended this book as a good introduction to this history, and having read it, we absolutely agree with that assessment. While it is dated in some sections (it was written in the 80s), it is so useful, and as well, provides very strong justification within it for why it exists in the first place.
This website has hosted it for many many years, and the author certainly would be happy to have it up there. Our history class assigned everyone a link to a chapter on this site to read one time years ago, which is how we actually came to learn about the site, heh :>
The anarchist Library
A great place to find a massive amount of anarchist thought of all stripes, both historical and contemporary!
Digital Transgender Archive
An incredible, vast collection of archived transgender print and digital media! I highly recommend taking some time to go explore over there!
wikipedia article about a shadow library
A wikipedia article about a website that allows you access to any book you want... there are some potentially interesting links on this page
A lovely website for finding music, without the extra characters, luc?ida[dot+to :>
another lovely site, this one for old games, without the extra characters, my[ri[ent{dot(eres)tra]dot{me :>
ripp[ed gu*ide
and then, a site for everything else, without the extra characters, ri=pped dot gui^d+e