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(for the 18+ gallery, click here)

"Fox at night," February 4th, 2025
A piece the fox and I made, of her at night in a clearing. We are quite happy with it :>

"me drawing," November 17th?, 2024, digital
This is a sketch I made almost a year ago, and have been adding small touches to ever since! I intended to "finish it" at some point, but, I'm trying to get better about being able to end pieces as sketches rather than making them into fully colored, shaded, backgrounded, etc ordeals, so I went ahead and uploaded this as is!
This is what is going on at the other side of the screen whenever I'm active online :>

"untitled," October 11th, 2024, digital.
One of our coworkers had been letting us draw on their ipad on the shifts we worked together during downtimes, this is the culmination of a month of those shared shifts! :>

"Untitled," September 21st, 2024, digital.
A doodle I made while sitting outside, of a tree branch that caught my eye :>
"Smoke," May 28th, 2024, digital.
A piece made in collaboration with the fox!
this piece began as a vent by the fox, which I helped with a lot of the finishing touches on!
"Untitled," March 31st, 2024, digital.
A piece I made in collaboration with the fox!
It started as a vent piece the fox was making, and we ended up spending more time on it than intended, I helped a lot with the final touches. We tried a new way of coloring than usual for the fox, and are very happy with the results!
"Shimmering Scales 10," February 8th, 2024, digital.
This ended up being the final piece we made for the shimmering scales patreon. We were quite happy with it!
"Shimmering Scales 9," January 13th, 2024, digital.
This piece is where it really began to hit us that we were increasingly making pieces we didn't care too much for, and that shimmering scales unfortunately wasn't really going anywhere. We realized that we may be wasting our time and hand spoons, when we should be spending those elsewhere on things that could hopefully help improve our situation more. after all, if we're making art regularly that we don't care too much for, we would hope we were at least getting something from it, and well, we weren't, and it became clear we probably aren't going to.
"Shimmering Scales 8," december 28th, 2023, digital.
This pieces was a struggle, but something we were quite happy with at the time! We wanted to do something different than usual, and so attempted to do some architecture rather than just natural forms!
We attempted illustrating a fun little world building idea we've had in our head forever, of magical fairy deer (and perhaps other critters) in a forest, who live in a city the forest creates from gradually moving abandoned human structures to its center.
It feels like the idea didn't get illustrated quite as we wanted it to be, but we were still happy with the outcome as a piece. In the time since, we have come to look more critically at this piece, but it was certainly a helpful learning experience!

"Website header," December 18th, 2023, digital.
A piece I drew to be the header of this website!
I was working on setting this site up, and had initially been using "Flying" as a header image, but I realized that I could just... draw an image specifically for the header instead, and it sounded fun, so I took the opportunity to stop fighting with css and draw that instead ^v^
"Shimmering Scales 7," December 14th, 2023, digital.
This was a piece that Luna played a large role in creating! While the concept is similar to others we have done, we like this one the most, and are very happy with it!
"Autumn forest," November 26th, 2023, digital.
This was a piece that we made for shimmering scales. We have very mixed feelings about it. We want to like it, and we do, but we also feel like it highlights a lot of the weaknesses of our art style.
"Cliffside dragons," November 7th, 2023, digital
This was a piece made for shimmering scales. It was meant as a followup to the first piece we made for it, featuring the same dragons!
"Pumpkin patch," October 24th, 2023, digital.
a piece we made for shimmering scales, we were quite happy with it at the time!
"Dragon flight!" September 16, 2023, digital
This was the first piece we made for the shimmering scales patreon! Essentially, we gave ourselves a goal to create a piece every 2 weeks, that could be used as either a phone or computer background, and put the full resolution versions on a patreon! It was also an opportunity for us to release art as a system, as these were often big collaborative pieces with us all, and allowed the more anxious critters to have their art posted publically.
Unfortunately, it never really worked out, and the patreon has since been paused, but we are happy with the works that we made during that time! As well, we still want to use the name "shimmering scales" and make more collaborative art like that, but we aren't sure what we want to do yet, as we're trying to focus our hand spoons on other things right now.

"Flying," July 4th, 2023, digital.
A piece of me flying, initially intended as an uncolored sketch, but that I got carried away with ^^;
I'm still very happy with how it turned out, it's one of my favorite pieces I've made!

"Self portrait," June 8th, 2023, digital.
A piece I made so I could have an icon on my mastodon account that I was setting up!
I also just wanted to have another go at drawing myself, as it had been some time and I felt pretty rusty ^^;

"Drawing!" February 5th, 2023, digital.
One of my favorite pieces I've drawn of myself!
I had had the idea of drawing myself drawing myself for some time, but I never felt confident enough for it. I went ahead and made the jump for this piece, and at first it felt like it was, indeed, too complex for me to handle. I kept at it for a few days though, and it turned out to be well worth the time, as well as a very helpful learning experience for getting better at drawing bird bodies!
This piece has continuously given me so much species euphoria since I made it, I really need to make more things like it. just... illustrating myself, as my true form, doing the things I always do, is so helpful for fighting dysphoria.