My NSFW art!
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"Untitled secretary bird," December 29th, 2023, digital.
I'm quite happy with how this piece turned out! The angle was a nightmare to figure out, and especially figuring out how to convey the length of the neck. Adding the shadow along their neck, being cast by their head above, was the best I could figuring out for conveying it, though I don't think it was a perfect solution.
Despite that, this is absolutely one of my favorite pieces I've made so far!

"stretched open," December 5th, 2023, digital.
I have very mixed feelings about this piece. I am very happy with the rendering of the cloaca and it being stretched, but I have a lot of trouble not hyperfixating on just how much I do not like the way the face turned out. This piece turned into a much larger struggle than I anticipated it being, and unlike past times when I've worked through that struggle, I don't think I was as successful at navigating it. Still, I'm glad I made it, and have been happy to move on to new pieces!

"Deer sketches," October 9th, 2023, digital.
Two deer I and the Fox sketched! Not too much to say on this, but we're happy with it!

"Untitled fox 2," August to October, 2023, digital.
Putting a date on this piece is difficult, as we worked on it intermitently just when we felt like it ^v^; It was a collaboration between me and the Fox, and was a very affirming piece for her! We are both very happy with how it turned out, it's one of our favorite pieces we've made ^v^

"Filled," June 11th, 2023, digital.
My first lewd drawing of myself in over half a year! I had some trouble with it, and I think it shows that I was rather rusty with drawing myself at strange angles, but I'm overall happy with it still!

"Crow," April 28th, 2023, digital.
I was never quite happy with this piece, and was also taking an extended break from online spaces, and so this piece didn't much see the light of day. I still quite like the colors, however!
This piece was also one of our first attempts at showing fur tufts/feathers through lighter colors painted over darker base colors, rather than by just drawing outlines!

"Untitled Fox," December 17th, 2022, digital.
Our second piece using the new workflow!
This was a collaboration between myself and the Fox, and was from an earlier moment when she was taking the form of a red fox again!

"Untitled Doe," November 17th, 2022, digital.
This piece was something of a revolution in our workflow!
I hadn't drawn something in awhile myself, and at the time we were mostly doing commission work. I desperately wanted to do something of my own volition, but felt bad dedicating any time to it.
So, after working on commissions one night, I experimented with seeing how fast I could get a piece done! This piece ended up being our first finished piece made from referencing a clip studio 3d model. I very quickly and loosely sketched the shape of the model, and then, I tried using the lasso tool to quickly make the shape, rather than drawing a refined sketch! This gave us a finished shape remarkably fast. Then, I tried using clipping mask layers overtop of that shape to do all of the coloring, once again using the lasso tool to cut out different specific areas. this also sped up our usual art process signifigantly!
By the end of it, the piece was done in just over 40 minutes, a massively quicker time than most of our pieces before it. We have since adopted all of these techniques into our regular workflow (except for the 3d model refrencing, as we can't afford a clip studio subscription anymore >v<)

"Untitled," November, 2022, digital.
The first piece I uploaded on my own personal internet accounts!
I'm unsure of the exact date this was finished, just that it was sometime in November!
I was never very happy with it, and still am not now, but oh well, that's just how these things go sometimes!

"Robin," July 1st, 2022, digital.
I'm not sure if I have much to say about this piece! Looking back, I still like it, and I particularly am still happy with the direction of the legs!

"snake," May 13th, 2022, digital.
Another piece from 2022, a collaboration with the fox!
I think we overused the texturing brush we had, but it was a great learning experience!

"Blushing," April 27th, 2022, digital.
the second piece I drew of myself!
I remember this one being quite a challenge, I'm very much happy with the result though still! U//v//U
Also, I think this is still the piece with the most work put into the talons, I should really try focusing on those more again in future pieces!

"First," April 15th, 2022, digital.
The first drawing I ever made of myself!
We as a system had been trying to branch out the amounts of body types we could draw, and had never attempted a bird before. I had also been wanting to draw myself for very long. both of those things lined up, and this was created!