A soft owl's perch

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

here, you can find various things from me, like my artwork, blog posts, stories, and more, all findable from the nav bar!

If you don't know who I am, I'd recommend checking out the about section first!

I'm currently learning web development, so this website is subject to change, as I learn more and experiment with different things!

Recent updates
July 17th, 2024

The writing section now actually exists! I've put a long post I made some months ago up as the first post, "Thoughts on corporations on the fediverse"

I also have a few different other posts I'm working on, and I may rework the section to have more catagories beyond just "fiction" and "nonfiction" as I make new things to put there! :>

June 18, 2024

The new site theme is finished! I am very happy with how it ended up turning out! I hadn't meant to go through with it when I started, I was just making a layout to see if I liked it, and then decided I would try making some test art to mess more with the idea. I realized it was a lot more frictionless than I anticipated to make art and then put it into the website, so I just really fell into working on this for a few days, and now here we are!

The old layout can still be found here, though it will not get updates as new things are added to the site!